of POD

Student Journal
Back to Journal Page 43
Flights 40 at SpanaFlight
(Total: .7 PIC, 46.9 Dual, 1.7 Sim IFR, .2 Night, 1.0 Complex, 179 Landings)
I started out expecting that the weather
wasn't going to improve at all. The last couple of flights were
cancelled due to bad weather, so why should today's be any
different. I am starting to hate my weatherman. Every day last
week when I didn't have a flight scheduled, the weather was clear and
windless. The clouds would roll in or the wind would pick up above
15 knots as the hour of my flight approached. Today came up looking
like the last 2 scheduled flights, so I didn't expect to fly today, but as
Matt didn't call, I headed out for the airport all the same, if for
nothing else, to have him check my flight plan.
I almost hit 2 cars on the way to the
airport, as my eyes were in the air instead of on the ground, and when I
arrived at the airport, the clouds looked about 1500 feet AGL. Well,
at least I should be able to get some pattern work in. I walked in,
and Matt was still with his other student, do I headed back to check Duats.
I logged in and checked for current weather conditions around all the
airports I was supposed to go to today. I had planned a flight to
Jefferson County International (0S9), Boeing Field (BFI), and then back
home. Duats was calling the ceilings at about 2500 around Thun field, and
then increasing to 4000 feet broken at my first stop. Boeing field
had a 1600 foot ceiling, which was my only really concern. I could
fly well below the 2500 foot ceiling around here if I needed to.
Winds were from 300 at 6 knots.
Matt finished up with his student and came
back to the planning room to check on me. He wanted me to call the
FSS even though I had all the information from Duats. He felt I
needed the practice, which of course, I did. I called the flight briefer
and stated that I was a student pilot and needed a VFR standard weather
brief. The briefer then started by describing very clearly the area
and weather depictions. I had been nervous about calling the briefer
directly because of the speed they rambled off information when Matt
called them. But this briefer was different, he slowed down and
explained everything to me, and helped me understand the weather report he
was describing. We then commenced to file a flight plan for this
flight, and although I filed it as a "round robin" type of
flight plan instead of 2 separate flight plans, It went easy enough.
I thanked the briefer, and then finished computing my flight plan.
Matt showed up again a few minutes later and
asked about the weather. I described it to him, and he then reviewed
my flight plan. He said that he felt that the weather was improving
and wouldn't be a problem for this flight. I then headed out, and
preflighted the plane. When Matt got in, and I started the plane,
the engine was running weird. Matt tapped the mixture control and I then
realized that I missed a step on starting the engine. Damn....I had
hoped I was slowing down enough to not do this again, but I didn't
apparently slow down enough. All the other steps went fine, and we
headed out to the runup area to finish the prefligh checks.
The plane checked out fine, and I spent a few
minutes preparing the radios, maps, and flight plan for the trip
ahead. I knew I would not be transitioning through any airspace
until I neared Boeing field, so I just tuned in FSS, Local Unicom,
Jefferson Unicom, and set my Nav radios to the 2 VOR's I expected to have
during the trip. I then wrote down the time of departure on my
flight plan, and headed to runway 34 for takeoff.
The takeoff was a little shaky, as I hadn't
flown in a while again, and we climbed to 2000 feet. I had planned
the entire flight at 2500, but as the clouds were pretty low here, I
stopped climbing at 2000. We arrived at the first checkpoint which
was the Puyallup river which I needed to follow out to the Puget sound to
remain clear of Class B airspace. I wrote the time at the turn down,
and figured another 4 minutes to the next checkpoint, which was the Port
of Tacoma. I arrived 1 minute early, and turned to my computed
magnetic heading. The ceilings were better here, so I decided to
finish my climb to 2500 and cruise there.
As we headed out over the Puget sound, we
crossed Vashon Island and I corrected my course to ensure that my
navigation was correct. I was checking the chart against the
landscape when Matt suddenly grabbed the wheel and dove the plane 200
feet. I looked up and saw a tiny cloud pass us. The cloud was
smaller than the plane, but Matt stated that I would have violated a FAR
if I had gone through it. I didn't even see it because, one, I was
looking at the chart at the time, and two, because the cloud line was at
the horizon and there were several clouds behind it hiding the little
cloud. I decided to head back down to 2000 feet to help me see the
clouds better, and Matt scolded me for having my nose in the
We continued our course to the north and I
corrected as needed. We passed over Puget Sound Naval Shipyard,
which was my next checkpoint. It was really neat to see 5 aircraft
carriers from the air. We then proceeded to the next checkpoint,
which was a pier at the Submarine base nearby. I spotted it in a few
minutes, and then headed to our first stop, Jefferson airport. About
10 miles from the airport, I called for a traffic advisory. An
automated recording responded with the wind and runway information.
Matt and I both thought that was the coolest thing. With winds from
the northwest, we chose runway 27 to land on.
It took me a little while to spot the
airport, although it was right where I expected it to be. If my
altitude was higher, I probably could have spotted it better. I
turned to approach the 45 from downwind. I was at pattern altitude
then, and I entered the pattern a little late. I turned downwind,
and then base. I realized then that I was way to high and way too
close and executed a go around. I set up for a better pattern this
time, and proceeded to land fine on the little runway. We took the
plane around the pattern one more time for good measure, and then pulled
off at the runup area to plan the next leg of the flight.
Matt stated that he might have me divert on
this leg, but didn't say where. I saw that Bremerton airport was
closest, but I didn't know exactly where we were going to divert at, so I
kept my options open. I situated my charts for this leg and got my
radios set for Boeing approach and tower. I checked the pressure
from the automated Unicom broadcast and set my altimeter
appropriately. Then we took off and headed east off the downwind leg
of the airport.
Matt started talking about diverting shortly
afterwards, and he decided that he wanted me to divert before my first
checkpoint. He stated that Boeing field just got snowed in and we
would have to make another choice. Without going into detail, Matt
and I computed a new course together, and I then called FSS to update my
flight plan. I must say that there was a flurry of activity during
that time and it seems as though the chart became a living thing that
didn't want to fold differently nor show me the correct area when I looked
at it. Suffice it to say, I didn't handle the cockpit management
tasks then too well. We turned south and headed to Bremerton, which
was upon us a lot sooner that I expected it to be.
We called for an airport advisory, and got 2
versions. One saying that Runway 01 was in use, the other stating
that runway 19 was in use. As we could see the person landing on 19,
we chose the latter and transitioned across the runway midfield to follow
traffic. Just about then, every plane in the Puget Sound area
decided to arrive at Bremerton and start landing approaches on 01
instead. We did a 180 and transitioned back across the field, and
entered the 45 to a downwind. Another plane was on the 45 as well,
but further behind us. We then turned downwind, base, and landed
with a bounce. The runway at Bremerton was about 150 feet wide, and
the landing illusions were out in full force.
We pulled off and headed to the runup area to
get re-organized and prepare for the final leg of this harrowing
journey. I put away the flight plan, as Matt stated that we were
pretty much on pilotage from here on out, which was fine by me, as I knew
my way home from here well enough. I kept out the chart and the e6b
I had been using. I decided to do a touch and go at Bremerton and
then depart off the upwind leg to the east and head home. I went
around the pattern, and did a little better landing, although still too
hard for my liking. I don't know what is going on with my landings
today. I figure it probably was the unfamiliarity of the airport I
was at.
We then headed back towards the Port of
Tacoma, ensuring that we didn't enter the class D airspace of Tacoma
Narrows airport. We then skirted the Puyallup river and then turned
north to enter for a 34 landing at Thun Field. I entered the 45 as
normal, and started the pattern. I was high and fast, however on
final, but instead of going around (which after the fact I definitely
should have done) I attempted to salvage the landing. That was a
mistake, and I landed pretty hard. That landing was the worst one I
have had in about 2 months. I decided to cut my losses then, as I
was frustrated and tired, and park the plane.
After securing everything, Matt and I
reviewed the flight, and he wants me to do some pattern work before I
attempt the solo cross country, but he feels confident that I wont get
lost and probably won't crash the plane. I wrote myself in for some
solo pattern work on Tuesday, with the solo cross country being on
Wednesday. I am again heading out to Hoquiam for this flight, and
despite the relatively poor performance I put on today, I am looking
forward to it.
Until then....Journal Page 45