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Student Journal
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Flights 35 at SpanaFlight
(Total: .3 PIC, 38.3 Dual, 1.3 Sim IFR, .2 Night, 1.0 Complex, 160 Landings)
After the week of soaring above the clouds after my solo, it is finally my
turn to fly again. I had absolutely no clue of what to expect on
this upcoming flight, but I knew it would be different. Fortunately,
Matt called me at home earlier so that I could know what to expect.
Looks like today was going to be refresher training on maneuvers I already
knew, but that's ok because I get to leave the pattern again.
I arrived my usual 20 minutes
early and got the preflight out of the way. Matt arrived shortly thereafter
and he and I loaded up, started up, and taxied out to runway 34.
Actually we started to taxi to 16, but found that some other traffic
called in that they were using 34 instead, so we turned the plane around
on the taxiway and headed back to 34. There was no wind today, so it
really was at the pilots discretion on which runway to use.
Matt wanted to show me how to do
a short field takeoff. So, after the runup checks, I handed the
plane off to Matt and he instructed me on the finer points of the short
field takeoff. 10 degrees of flaps. Hold brakes...full
power...then release brakes. Start pitching at 53 knots....lift
off...hold at 55 knots until 50 feet or clear of the obstacle. Then
pitch for Vy and remove the flaps and continue the normal climb.
Seemed easy enough. Matt then handed me the controls and we departed
off the downwind leg to the south to get to our practice area.
Upon arrival, we did clearing
turns and started setting up for slow flight. I pulled the power to
1500 RPM, added carb heat, and maintained my altitude. As speed bled
off, I added full flaps, then power to bring the engine to about 2000 RPM
to hold for straight and level slow flight at 45 knots. The stall
warning was intermittently turning on and off, which Matt said was normal,
although it never happened on other slow flights. I was about 5
knots slower, however, which would account for the changes. I
handled straight and level flight fairly well, and Matt directed me to
make a 10 degree right turn. I banked and added power some to accommodate
the loss of vertical lift. It seems that the plane always wants to
turn on a dime during slow flight. After180 degrees or so, Matt had
me recover, which I did fairly well.
We then performed another
clearing turn and set up for a power off stall. That seemed to go
pretty good, although I forgot to put in carb heat again when adding
power. Power on stall was next on the list. After we regained
altitude from the power off stall, we set up for power on stall. I
then pitched for the stall, but the plane didn't want to do it
today. I pitched some more, and although I was on the verge of
stall, the plane never did. Matt said to recover from this and we
would try it again another day. I recovered normally, although I
pitched the nose a little too far forward and speed rose to 80 knots or
so, which I then had to deal with.
We then cleared the plane again,
and Matt says "Your low voltage light is on...what do you
do?". Of course, my mind went blank and Matt pulled out the POH
so that we could review the procedure. It seemed simple enough,
first attempt to reset the alternator, then if that doesn't work, start
shutting off non essential equipment until you need them in
Then Matt pulled the power, and
said I lost my engine. I immediately set up for 65 knots, and picked
a field to land on. Matt wasn't sure that I would make the field,
but I assured him I would. I approached the field, and entered a
downwind leg. For some reason, I turned base really early, and on
final was too high to land safely on that field. Damn.
Matt had me execute a go around, and I realized that if I had extended the
downwind a little more, I would have passed this maneuver. Lessons
learned I guess. We then climbed back up to our maneuvering altitude
and Matt had me execute an emergency descent. I completely forgot
this maneuver as well, so I asked Matt to show me. He pulled the
power, and banked sharply to the left and dropped the nose. We
spiraled towards the ground and then pulled out with power. That
maneuver is always fun to do. I didn't get to try it myself today,
We climbed to about 2000 feet
and started heading back to the airport. I called the airport and
got a traffic advisory. They were still using 34, so I pointed the
plane to parallel the runway so that I could enter on the 45 as
needed. As I approached the airport, Matt stated that he wanted to
show me the short field landing, which I said that I wanted to do a normal
touch and go first, then have him show me. He agreed and we entered
the 45 to downwind. We turned downwind, base, then final. I
was a little left of the runway, but slipped right to realign
myself. The landing went fine, and my flare was good. I am
starting to feel that I really am getting these flares down
I executed a touch and go, and
climbed back out. On the downwind, Matt took the controls, and
showed me the short field landing. We pulled power earlier than
normal, and Matt had full flaps in by the time we turned to final.
It seemed that we were already in a slight flare all the way down until we
touched the runway. Then Matt kept the elevators up, and pressed
hard on the brakes so that we could slow down fast enough. Didn't
seem that difficult a maneuver, but I can see that I need to review the
steps in the POH so that I don't get them wrong.
We then taxied to the parking
area and secured the plane for the day. We walked back in and
debriefed. Matt said I did pretty well on the maneuvers, considering
the time it has been since I had done them. We are planning on doing
some more review on next flight, and some more soft and short field
takeoffs and landings. I'll probably get some more solo time as
Until then....Journal Page 40