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Flight 17 at SpanaFlight
(Total: 20.3 Dual, 1.3 Sim IFR, .2 Night, 55 Landings)
Has been another week since I have flown
last, mainly due to the wonderful winter-like weather we have had around
this place. After juggling my flying schedule some this morning, I
reported to the airport at about 1:45 PM and waited for Matt to finish
with his last student.
Matt finished up and we went back to do some
ground school. Today's discussion was a review of the Flight Manual
for the 172N. We covered performance characteristics, speeds, and
emergency procedures. Then it was out to the plane to start the
We took off from Runway 16 and proceeded to
the practice area and started with slow flight. I entered it ok, and
was able to maintain myself fairly well. We did this for a couple of
minutes and then went right into a power off stall. That went
smoothly, and after I recovered, we set up for a power on stall.
Now, I haven't flown in a week, so, I
expected to forget a few of the procedures, but I don't know what I was
thinking setting up for the power on stall this time. I just pushed
in full power and started banking for a stall. Matt then took the
controls, and set us up for it. Of course, I felt like a complete
idiot forgetting something I have practiced so much in the last 2
months. Anyway, I recovered from it fine.
As we flew around the practice area, we had
to turn around a couple of times. Seems that everybody and their
brothers were out flying or parachuting today. On top of that, the
fog was rolling in from the south towards the airport. We decided to
head back and do some landings. As we approached the airport, Matt
pulled an engine out drill on me. I did it ok, only off a little on
my glide speed. I found a field, and then did a go around.
Then it was off to the airport for real this
time. Runway 16 was in use, and the fog was getting close. It
didn't seem as bad, but when on the base leg, I actually lost sight
briefly of the runway. After a couple of seconds, though, I saw it
ok. I lined up, and landed with a side load, and skidded on one
wheel. It was a clunky landing, and Matt helped a lot on that
one. We decided to call it a day, as that landing was difficult
enough with the fog rolling in. Went in and debriefed. We are
still going to work on my landings more next flight. Hopefully the
weather will allow for it.
Monday's flight needed to be cancelled, but I
fly again on Thursday. I have my medical exam scheduled for Tuesday,
and if it goes well, I will have all my prerequisites done for my
solo. I am getting pretty nervous about my solo, and hope I get a
lot better at my landings before I get the opportunity.
More next time....
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