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Student Journal
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Flight 23 at SpanaFlight
(Total: 26.4 Dual, 1.3 Sim IFR, .2 Night, 96 Landings)
Funny thing, that weather, It likes to play
games with you. I received a call from my instructor an hour before
my flight asking if I wanted to go up early, but unfortunately, I couldn't
because I had to wait for a babysitter for my kids. And when my
babysitter finally arrives, my instructor calls to cancel due to the fog
rolling in. I was determined, however, and drove to the airport
anyway, if for nothing else than to hear a hangar story or two. Matt
was there, and we decided to do some ground school for stage 2 a little
We headed back to his office and started
doing weight and balance computations. We also started to look over
the performance charts for 4705G. Just about a half an hour into the
lesson, I looked outside, and the fog was gone again. I smiled and
pointed out the window. Matt looked out, and said "Lets
Go!". I then went right out and pre-flighted.
Matt arrived shortly, and we decided to just
continue on takeoffs and landings, but due to the time we spent inside
waiting for the weather to clear, we only had about 45 minutes to fly
until I had to get back and relieve my babysitter. We went right out
and took off on runway 16. One other plane was sharing the pattern
with us, and we were behind him by a leg.
I decided that I was going to really
concentrate on making my patterns good, without making my usual too steep
turns. The first time around, I did fine on my pattern work, and
even turned final right on the glide slope. That was the first time
in a while I had done that, as I seem to always be high. I landed
smoothly, perhaps flaring a little too late, but the touchdown was fairly
The next 2 times around the pattern were
pretty decent. No critical pattern errors, and although I did
turn too steeply twice, I caught it before my instructor did, and had
already started correcting for it when he mentioned the errors. I
was high on final for those, but the touchdowns were ok. Nothing
spectacular, but I didn't jar anything loose at least.
The last time around, Matt says "I'm
playing your mother this time. I won't say a thing". I
got a kick out of this, and during the whole pattern, Matt was saying
things like "Gee, look at those flowers" and "Isn't the
weather nice" and such. Well, my pattern work proved to be
decent, but I was really high on final. Matt didn't say anything
about it, but I started slowing the plane and put the flaps in early so I
could get down. I put the plane down with a slight bounce, and then
told my "Mom" that that was a normal landing for one of these
planes and not to worry too much about it. Matt and I guffawed some
and we pulled off the runway chuckling.
We pulled off the runway and taxied back to
the parking area. I told matt what I did wrong on that last one, and
he agreed. He said that I should have put in flaps earlier and that
I should have pulled back power more than I did so that I could get
down. But although we bounced some at then end, I have done far
worse landings than that one. Matt let me park the plane, and he
said that he didn't touch the controls once the entire flight. I
felt pretty good about myself, and we walked back to the office to
Matt wants to try and get me flying on
Monday, and if another student cancels, he will have me out there to fly
some more. I also have Wednesday scheduled for this week, so I might
be able to get some more flying in before Christmas. The weather
looks promising this week for flying as long as the expected fog burns off
in the mornings.
I'll keep you posted...To Journal Page 30